today you are 14-going-on-15, or if you had your way. . .
14-going-on-driver's-license. ack.
today you finish middle school. 14 years have gone by in the blink of an eye, some of the time good, most of it great.
you have gone from adorable baby to gorgeous young woman, and i've witnessed the most remarkable transformation along the way. i am pleased that i was here to enjoy it with you, and i am so very proud of you.
happy graduation. high school is next, and then the rest of your life, whatever that holds.
i love you, moira.
Great write about your daughter. You are right....they grow up so fast
Since you are a Star Trek fan and can appreciate what I am going to say.... I met the father of Jeri
Ryan who played 7 of 9 on Star Trek Voyager. She was also on Shark and many other programs. I met her father, Jerry Zimmerman, while on my motorcycle trip, "Run For The Wall". http://www.rftw.org/ He is also with the Patriot Guard Riders. We had a good chat. He is sending me a personalized picture of Jeri Ryan.
From Gramma & Grampa,
Nothing better than this! A grandaughter who has become a wonderfully wise and lovely caring human being growing gracefully along the way. An absolutely beautiful compliment to her parents! xxxooo
From a fellow parent of a gorgeous 14 going on 15 daughter, congratulations dad and Moira!! Now for the hard part . . the boyfriend . . .
Good luck
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