i wonder when the dreams about selling cars will end.
i know i start a new career tomorrow as a loan account executive for countrywide home loans. i suppose it's because i will miss the people at royal moore.
bill and tim i'll miss the most. thanks for the support and the friendship. i do feel a bit guilty about leaving you two in the lurch.
jason, for your support and encouragement, for believing in me, and for helping me get that fleet job (even though it was short-lived).
mike, for your support and friendship, and for driving me to become a better salesman, for your--shall we say--unique sense of humor, and our animated political discussions.
rick, for your fishing and hunting stories, your wild tales of salesmen and their misadventures in the car biz, for believing in me and my abilities, and for your support. sorry i didn't get a chance to say thanks and farewell face-to-face before i left.
todd and shawn, for your animated political diatribes, and for your support.
chris, for your wacky front porch rap. congrats on the wedding. hope vegas was a blast.
lacey, for your lovely smile and disposition. you could light up a room just by walking in.
peggy, for breaking all those fins.
connie, for your dry wit.
dana and sharon, for fielding all those endless questions about procedures and stuff while i was a mazda geek. i am sure i drove you crazy.
scott and ray, for handling all my technical queries with aplomb.
and the rest of you?
too many to name, too much to say.
i leave with a resounding (say it with me) THANK YOU!
Thank You!!!